by ArticDriers | Jan 17, 2024
New Acoustic Imaging Detector, Increases Productivity and Reduces Air Wastage Locate air and gas leaks as well as potential electrical faults within your facility. The all new SUTO iTEC S532 acoustic imaging detector, provides an easy and effective way to locate the...
by ArticDriers | Jan 17, 2024
Ultrasonic Compressed Air Leak Detection – Saving you Money Leak detection is the fast way to reduce wasted kW’s in your facility. It is estimated that 25% of all compressed air produced is leaked to atmosphere annually. Even in a medium sized factory it adds up to...
by ArticDriers | Jan 17, 2024
Artic Driers International is the #1 independent importer of Compressed Air Treatment equipment in South Africa. Importing from 10 different countries from around the globe, Artic provides global brands and compressed air treatment solutions to the markets of Southern...
by ArticDriers | Oct 10, 2023 | Uncategorized
As the cost of power escalates, the need for higher supervision levels for air compressors, dryers, and air quality in general has increased dramatically, and the compressor room is at the heart of your factory. Without compressed air, little production can be...
by ArticDriers | May 9, 2022 | Uncategorized
Compressed air auditing and monitoring is no longer a luxury it’s essential. By not knowing the facts about your compressed air consumption and your facilities’ compressed air quality, you are placing patients and your distribution system at risk. As much...