S418-V Vacuum Flow and Consumption Meter for Vacuum Applications

The S418-V is designed to monitor performance vacuum pumps, by offering convenient installation, great flexibility and a very short response time.

S418-V is designed to monitor the performance of vacuum pumps. This inline flow meter measures the actual flow and absolute pressure on the low-pressure side of vacuum pumps. By monitoring the consumption at the point of use, the flow meter helps to optimize vacuum system efficiency.

The more accurately you can monitor gas flow, the more likely you will discover weak points in the process flow, thus ensuring continuity and profitability. Asymmetric velocity profiles, swirl, and other factors caused by bends in pipes can lead quickly to inaccurate readings. And it is often not possible to place flow meters at hard-to-reach places.

The S418-V offers great flexibility at the point of use and can be installed anywhere. With its very short response time and integrated display, the vacuum sensor is available for different pipe sizes DN8, DN15, DN20, DN25 and DN32 (G female thread).


  • Convenient installation, great flexibility, and can be installed anywhere
  • Inline thermal mass flow sensor virtually independent of pressure and temperature changes
  • Very short response time
  • Particularly suitable for measuring at the point-of-use at the low-pressure side of vacuum pumps
  • Available as DN8, DN15, DN20, DN25 and DN32 (G female thread)
  • Measures actual flow and absolute pressure
  • Integrated display showing actual volumetric flow and absolute pressure
  • Options for output signals:  4 … 20 mA, Modbus, M-Bus
  • Bluetooth interface for remote sensor settings
  • Configurable through Android devices
  • Embedded data logger capable of recording 5 million measurement samples
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